Garden Party

5. 1. 2022



The multi award-winning Changi Airport offers a wealth of entertainment opportunities to amuse travellers between flights. When Terminal 1 Departure/Transit Hall was being refurbished,, RSP Architects reached out to Preciosa Lighting about creating a bespoke dynamic installation.


“Changi Airport was voted World's Best Airport for eight consecutive years. They are curating collections of the most advanced design installations, including the tallest indoor waterfall,” said Kamila Mizerakova, Managing Director of Preciosa Lighting Singapore. “When RSP Architects approached us to create a special design installation for a newly refurbished area at Terminal 1, we knew it had to be something outstanding and with a strong narrative, rooted in the tropical garden theme characteristic of the airport interiors and all of Singapore.”


Garden Metamorphosis


Garden Metamorphosis is a sculpture which blends in unique compositions, exploring the shapes and patterns of nature. It captures every moment of a garden’s never ending transformation. The installation is organic and fluid, featuring abstract shapes to trigger visitors’ fantasies.


Preciosa designer Anna Kralova worked with the design team to develop the garden theme. The chandelier is inspired by a tree, from which the leaves fly and become butterflies. The butterflies are lit and a dynamic scene has been programmed which enhances the feeling of a garden brought to life.






“This is the transformation that nature naturally undergoes,” Ms. Kralova said. “Here, these leaves turn into butterflies which visually blend with the leaves. Just like in nature - when a butterfly sits on a flower or a leaf, it completely merges with it.”


A second inspiration was Singapore itself. Ms. Kralova is usually based in our Crystal Valley headquarters, but she spent nearly three months in Singapore, immersing herself in the country and working with the design team. “Singapore is full of rich, beautiful nature, everything is green. I appreciated the country’s style, traditions,” she said.


Sketching out the different components and choosing the best colours


The installation is more than ten metres long and 9 metres wide. There are more than 650 hand-blown Bohemian crystal components including small and big butterflies and small and big single and double leaves. Each component is a handcrafted original. The metal base is champagne and polished brass for a warm feel and the component colours include crystal, crystal frosted, champagne, light pink, pink, light and dark lustre.


Ms. Kralova thought about other elements from nature that could be incorporated into the lighting, but in the end wanted to keep it simple. “I didn’t want to overload the design with anything else, like a flower or another natural detail,” she said.


Delicate textures add to the lifelike look of the leaves and butterflies


Ms. Kralova also knew she didn’t want a typical ribbing texture, or something uniform. “We wanted similar, repeating shapes, with many variations of texture that create the organic look,” she explained.


“The whole development process took several months,” Ms. Kralova said. “We managed to produce the leaf and wings perfectly, from the design point of view, on the first try. We had gorgeous design components right from the beginning but it turned into a challenge as we had to adjust it because it’s an installation in an airport.” Garden Metamorphosis is specially engineered to withstand the natural vibrations found at an airport. Construction of every element is very important when safely creating such an installation.


Each of the installation’s components was handcrafted in Crystal Valley, Czech Republic


“We cooperated closely with the Changi Airport design team and RSP Architects to fine tune the details and bring the installation to perfection,” said Ms. Mizerakova. “We needed to factor in the unusual shape of ceiling coves and work with the carefully selected colour scheme. Every single component´s position was perfectly arranged on site. The drive for excellence was very motivating for all of us and resulted in a unique “living sculpture” which has received many compliments.”