Join us on a little adventure to discover the Lightkeepers of Preciosa.

Our people are the heart and soul of Preciosa, and their stories are as inspiring as their craft. We are shining a new light, not on a space, but on our people. The people whose passion for crystal, tradition and light create the stunning installations found round the world.


Introducing a Master Glass Cutter

Ivan Pátek is a Preciosa Lightkeeper who brings brilliance to our chandeliers and installations.
“I try to add heart and soul to this unique material through my grinding.”

Meet a Preciosa R&D Pro

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Meet a Preciosa designer

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Meet a Preciosa family

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Meet a metal specialist

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Meet a trimming specialist

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Meet a Master Glass Cutter

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Meet a glass master

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Meet our CEO

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Our hands craft the glass. Our heads remember our heritage. Our hearts keep the tradition.


Our lights are lovely to look at, perfectly designed, and technically advanced. We’ve met a glassblower and a designer, but who puts these beauties together? Stay tuned for our next episode and find out.